Delp Mooring Solutions
The global leader in offshore Torpedo Piles
The most award-winning company in the business
Trusted by major players in the O&G industry.
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Delp Mooring Solutions
The global leader in offshore Torpedo Piles
The most award-winning company in the business
Trusted by major players in the O&G industry.
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Delp Mooring Solutions
Delp Mooring, a DELP Company, is the global leader in offshore Torpedo Piles. We have an extensive track record working with various soils and hundreds of options for the piles’ design and installation. We offer the most cost-effective, field-proven option in offshore deep-water mooring systems, when it comes to production units, rigs, steel risers, flexible flowlines, umbilical and deepwater wind farms. Delp Mooring manages and produces projects worldwide, from the design and engineering phase to the post-installation inspection.